Friday, February 29, 2008


Ok - so during QM training we learned lots and I learned even more! I participated in a Live Blog and created a Facebook account.

Tonight is the Phi Theta Kappa Regional Convention at MCC - then back to MCC at 730am tomorrow!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Pictures of Elizabeth

password: LTPP0007104409JCP
Expires: 4/20/2008

TLC Events

What's Going on in the TLC?

~ we are currently writing a summer project proposal to be used by faculty to help them learn how to use Blackboard and to create effective hybrid classes
~we are modifying and updating our eLearning website
~we are getting ready to start the hiring of a Title V Instructional Technologist (our current IT person is on time card)
~we just submitted our program review
~we just completed a Blended Learning Class (spying on folks, yes! it's true)
~this week we are beginning Quality Matters training! yah - look for more
~SIS training contiues
~we are trying to figure out the Master/Template tool in SIS (for Blackboard)
~everyone is on a diet! =)
~our workstudy student - Gabe Bernal - is running for a Regional office for the state of Arizona in Phi Theta Kappa
~Alisa Cooper has been teaching about podcasts and iTunes
~we are getting ready to start offering some workshops on Web 2.0 tech tools for teaching
~Amy and Jen both got their proposals accepted for the TLC conference in Puerto Rico - we will be offering the sessions in the TLC before we leave (March 17-21)

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Blogging - again

Ok - so when they first came out I started blogging... I was not that excited... But, I am tryingit again! =)

Unfortunately, I have a STARVING three year old who is insist that I make her dinner - so thisis short! =)